Hell Oh Entropy!

Life, Code and everything in between

Across the Charles Bridge - GNU Tools Cauldron 2017

Posted: Sep 11, 2017, 23:16

Since I joined Linaro back in 2015 around this time, my travel has gone up 3x with 2 Linaro Connects a year added to the one GNU Tools Cauldron. This year I went to FOSSAsia too, so it’s been a busy traveling year. The special thing about Cauldron though is that it is one of those conferences where I ‘work’ as well as have a lot of fun. The fun bit is because I get to meet all of the people that I work with almost every day in person and a lot of them have become great friends over the years.

I still remember the first Cauldron I went to in 2013 at Mountain View where I felt dwarfed by all of the giants I was sitting with. It was exaggerated because it was the first time I met the likes of Jeff Law, Richard Henderson, etc. in personal meetings since I had joined the Red Hat toolchain team just months before; it was intimidating and exciting all at once. That was also the first time I met Roland McGrath (I still hadn’t met Carlos, he had just had a baby and couldn’t come), someone I was terrified of back then because his patch reviews would be quite sharp and incisive. I had imagined him to be a grim old man hammering out those words from a stern laptop, so it was a surprise to see him use the same kinds of words but with a sarcastic smile, completely changing the context and tone. That was the first time I truly realized how emails often lack context. Years later, I still try to visualize people when I read their emails.

Skip to 4 years later and I was at my 5th Cauldron last week and despite my assumptions on how it would go, it was a completely new experience. A lot of it had to do with my time at Linaro and very little to do with technical growth. I felt like an equal to Linaro folks all over the world and I seemed to carry that forward here, where I felt like an equal with all of the people present, I felt like I belonged. I did not feel insecure about my capabilities (I still am intimately aware of my limitations), nor did I feel the need to constantly prove that I belonged. I was out there seeking toolchain developers (we are hiring btw, email me if you’re a fit), comfortable with the idea of leading a team. The fact that I managed to not screw up the two glibc releases I managed may also have helped :)

Oh, and one wonderful surprise was that an old friend decided to drop in an Cauldron and spend a couple of days.

This year’s Cauldron had the most technical talks submitted in recent years. We had 5 talks in the glibc area, possibly also the highest for us; just as well because we went over time in almost all of them. I won’t say that it’s a surprise since that has happened in every single year that I attended. The first glibc talk was about tunables where I briefly recapped what we have done in tunables so far and talked about the future a bit more at length. Pedro Alves suggested putting pretty printers for tunables for introspection and maybe also for runtime tuning in the coming future. There was a significant amount of interest in the idea of auto-tuning, i.e. collecting profiling data about tunable use and coming up with optimal default values and possibly even eliminating such tunables in future if we find that we have a pretty good default. We also talked about tuning at runtime and the various kinds of support that would be required to make it happen. Finally there were discussions on tuning profiles and ideas around creating performance-enhanced routines for workloads instead of CPUs. The video recording of the talk will hopefully be out soon and I’ll link the video here when it is available.

Florian then talked about glibc 3.0, a notional concept (i.e. won’t be a soname bump) where we rewrite sections of code that have been rotting due to having to support some legacy platforms. The most prominent among them is libio, the module in glibc that implements stdio. When libio was written, it was designed to be compatible with libstdc++ so that FILE streams could be compatible with C++ stdio streams. The only version of gcc that really supports that is 2.95 since libstdc++ has since moved on. However because of the way we do things in glibc, we cannot get rid of them even if there is just one user that needs that ABI. We toyed with the concept of a separate compatibility library that becomes a graveyard for such legacy interfaces so that they don’t hold up progress in the library. It remains to be seen how this pans out, but I would definitely be happy to see this progress; libio was one of my backlog projects for years. I had to miss Raji’s talk on powerpc glibc improvements since I had to be in another meeting, so I’ll have to catch it when the video comes out.

The two BoFs for glibc dealt with a number of administrative and development issues, details of which Carlos will post on the mailing list soon. The highlights for me were the malloc instrumented benchmarks that Carlos wants to add to benchtests and build and review tools. Once I clear up my work backlog a bit, I’ll attempt to set up something like phabricator or gerrit and see how that works out or the community instead of patchwork. I am convinced that all of the issues that we want to solve like crediting reviewers, ensuring good git commit logs, running automated builds and tests, etc. can only be effectively solved with a proper review tool in place to review patches.

There was also a discussion on redoing the makefiles in glibc so that it doesn’t spend so much time doing dependecy resolution, but I am going to pretend that it didn’t happen because it is an ugly ugly task :/

I’m back home now, recovering from the cold that worsened while I was in Prague before I head out again in a couple of weeks to SFO for Linaro Connect. I’ve booked tickets for whale watching tours there, so hopefully I’ll be posting some pictures again after a long break.
