Hell Oh Entropy!

Life, Code and everything in between


Posted: Oct 05, 2005, 14:37

Tagged by akki

Seven things I wanna do before I die

  1. Buy/Build an Airlines.
  2. Go to Badrinath for a trek
  3. Complete my classical dancing training.
  4. Learn to play violin.
  5. Bungee jump :D:D
  6. Make/build/buy something to pass on to my kids.
  7. Figure out what i wanna pass down my kids :P

Seven things I can do

  1. Watch tv/movies.
  2. I can cheer people up .
  3. Make tea/coffee.
  4. I can dance kinda ok-ok.
  5. I read a lot.
  6. I am a good listener anyone can talk to me ,about anything with no fear of what will i think etc.
  7. Learn about something new.

Seven things I say the most

  1. Flip
  2. Hey bhagwaaaaaaaan
  3. Ab kya?
  4. liar liar pants on fire :))
  5. Oye
  6. Aiyye (This… coz i m a mallu:P)
  7. Arrerreee

Seven things I cant do

  1. Stay sad for long.
  2. Stay without talking to sid for long…….. thr is a limit after which i get impatient
  3. Cant cook that well but then very soon i m gonna be mastering it so…..
  4. I cant tolerate ppl cry coz I myself am very cranky n the most funny part is I start crying even if i c some1 else cry :P
  5. I can never be melodramatic :)) about anything.
  6. I can never manage accounts :((
  7. I m not very open about wat I feel…..I wud rather keep things to myself

Seven things that attract me about opposite sex

  1. INTELLIGENCE (well ppl dont matter 2 me till i have spoken to them n the first thing that strikes is how fast they think)
  2. The way they carry themselves(includes looks too :D)
  3. Etiquettes (I go gaga over true gentlemen :D)
  4. Height
  5. Humor
  6. Voice
  7. might find this weird but i feel a prominent collar bone looks awesome

Seven celebrity crushes

  2. Amitabh Bacchan
  3. Ajay Devgan
  4. Milind Soman
  5. Russell Crowe
  6. Brendan Fresar
  7. Al Pacino

Seven people I wanna tag

  1. Rhushikesh Pandit
  2. Vaishakhi Sawant
  3. Keyur Kachadia
  4. Manish Khanduri :”>
  5. Swapneel Malpekar
  6. Suchi
  7. Isha


oye ppl

Posted: Jun 30, 2005, 09:37

I have started with my project training with Air India and I am having fun. Work here generally happens at snails pace but me and project partner have quite impressed our team leader :D
I am having fun and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ya
its my engagement on the 3rd of july and just 2 dayssss 2 go
so ppl busy now will blog after a week
keep bloggin n tc



Posted: Jun 14, 2005, 18:18

That was one hell of a long post :-P


Creator? or Random Infinity?

Posted: Jun 14, 2005, 16:59

This is a response to the earlier post, which, I believe, is a response to my first post.

And finally, I ask the question again -- If God made the Universe then who made God? And if it is easy to believe that God existed forver then why is it difficult to believe that the Universe existed forever?


Creator....God ?????

Posted: Jun 14, 2005, 12:32

The complexity of life and the order in the universe show us that human and the universe could not just exist and maintain themselves without a creator.

This creator we term GOD.

To me, then, it means God is a self-existent eternal being. I understand that the question "who created God" seems meaningless because if there is always an answer, there will equally be a question that follows and it can go on forever.

Speaking of questions, another question with reference to what I have already said is - "If the complexity of design in the universe argues for a creator, then how can God, who is more complex, not be created?"

Now lets point at 2 categories of things – created and non-created things.

When things are created we understand the processes that caused their formation in the first place and we also know that left to themselves they will decade, deteriorate to something less. And the most upsetting discovery in science – The universe running down to nothing (The Big Bang theory etc)

What cannot be done is trace back the beginning of non-created things ;such things are not constrained by time.

Time is just another dimension we add, just like length, width etc. Then time is a created thing too. Matter is another factor which is not eternal and hence must be created.

So something that is non-created must exist beyond time itself. We would then expect that non-created thing to never change because, being outside time, it is the same at its beginning, its middle, and its end. Now it is only logical to ask that if the universe is created, and left to itself it will run down, then who put it together in the first place? Isn’t it ?

If the universe is a thing, and it is a created thing, then it had to come from something else. Nothing cannot form anything.

So, if the created thing must come from something else, then it must come from something that exists prior to it. If we look at all the created things as a whole, they must come from a non-created thing. That is the only logical option open to us!

Now to summarize - We know the universe is a created thing. We know that it must come from something else. We know that some type of non-created thing must exist in order to have created things exist. We also know that this non-created thing must be unchanging and outside of time. That is a lot. What we haven't done is label that non-created thing. We call that which is non-created, that which fashioned our existence, "God". We would expect, then, for that non-created thing to be more complex and more intelligent than the thing He created. It is logical, and it is consistent with the way we see the universe ordered.

The problem here is that many people have a mistaken concept of God. If we conceive of God as physical, ‘like-man’ being, the question of God’s origin is valid.

And now another doubt that boggles my mind if we assume that God has always been there why cant we simply assume that the universe has always been there ?

A confusing blog I guess ………….

But all I can do is think ……. And think some more ……..


I'm back. Finally

Posted: Jun 02, 2005, 19:57

Alright. I’m finally back where I belong. Took a bit of a break from my computer after my exams to relax my eyes.

And boy did I come back! I built XFce4 from source today and wowww!!! This desktop really flies!!! Really amazing speed and smoothness. Its probably not as feature-rich as the Gnomes and KDEs, but its got everything that you will need. If there’s something missing then you can import that functionality from a gnome app. And it will just run, without any lag. Its really worth a try: http://www.xfce.org.

I got so excited with the speed of XFce that I decided to build firefox from source too, to make it fly. The tarball was 32 MB. It decompressed to almost 300 MB. And when I built it, it took me almost 2:30 hours (I left it alone after 2:30 hours, so it may have even gone to 3-4 hours) on my celeron (500MHz, 192 Megs RAM), took up 1 GB of disk space, leaving only 100 MB free, and as a grand finale, exited with an error. So that was it. clear. rm -rf mozilla.

Tomorrow I may try out Gaim. Infact I might try looking into the sources of Gaim. I tried to in XFce; tinkered with the source a bit. I’ll try to be a bit more serious about it with Gaim and try to understand it better.



Posted: May 30, 2005, 19:45

exams r over…..now until results no more breakdowns…..just need a break 4rm everythin…………


me here

Posted: May 13, 2005, 14:45

hey m thru


My sweetheart will arrive shortly

Posted: May 13, 2005, 14:10

My sweetheart will be joining this blog soon. And we’ll blog happily ever after.


The Title needs explaining

Posted: May 11, 2005, 21:35

Nothing much really. It just questions the reality of a God, reality of the control He has in our life. Are we that important that he would think about us? Why does God only think about humans? Why do Gods look like humans? Or talk like humans?

Everything around us is a very intricate pattern. So intricate that to a finite view it is random. The pattern is a series of actions and reactions. So who started the action? God? So He started the chain by creating the Universe? So who created Him?

There’s so many “Gods”. So many forms. All those forms so conflicting in nature that it questions their existence altogether at times.

So finally the question remains, what are we living for, the Random Divine, the randomly chosen God, or the Divine Randomness, the chaos, that we worship day in and day out.
