Hell Oh Entropy!

Life, Code and everything in between

My muttrc

Ankur asked me to put out a blog post describing my mutt setup since I had been using mutt for a while now. Most of my muttrc is borrowed from various resources on the internet, so what I’ll do here is dump my muttrc so that anyone interested can try out snippets and options they haven’t seen before. It has a couple of unique quirks like ldap lookups and adding zimbra invites from emails. I haven’t written those either; I got them from a couple of colleagues at work.

So here goes:

set abort_nosubject=ask-yes
set abort_unmodified=ask-yes
set copy=yes
set delete=yes
#set forward_edit=yes
set include=yes

set timeout=10 set mail_check=5 set sort=threads set sort_aux=date set sort_re set mark_old=no unset wait_key


Account stuff

########################### set spoolfile=imaps://mail.domain.com/Inbox set folder=imaps://mail.domain.com/ set imap_user=siddhesh@domain.com set imap_pass=super_secret_password set imap_check_subscribed=yes

set record=imaps://mail.domain.com/Sent set postponed=imaps://mail.domain.com/Drafts

set header_cache=/home/siddhesh/Mail/

set smtp_url=smtp://smtp.domain.com/ set from=“siddhesh@domain.com” set realname=“Siddhesh Poyarekar”

set mime_forward=yes set mime_forward_rest=yes


Address Book


source ~/.mutt-alias set alias_file=~/.mutt-alias set query_command = “/home/siddhesh/.bin/mutt-ldap.py ‘%s’”


Contents of mutt-ldap.py

############################################################# ##!/usr/bin/env python # #import ldap, sys #myname = sys.argv[0] # #try: #    search = sys.argv[1] #except: #    print ‘Usage: %s <name> [<name> …]’ % myname #    sys.exit(1) # #search = sys.argv #users  = [] #l      = ldap.initialize(‘ldap://ldap.domain.com:389’) # #for s in search: #    if s == myname: #        continue # #    x = l.search_s(‘ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=com’,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,‘(|(cn=’ + s + ‘)(sn=’ + s + ‘)(uid=’ + s + ‘))‘,[‘cn’,‘uid’,‘sn’,‘mail’]) #    for user in x: #        try: #            uid  = user[1][‘uid’][0] #            mail = user[1][‘mail’][0] #            cn   = user[1][‘cn’][0] #        except: #            continue #        users.append(’<%s>\t%s’ % (mail, cn)) # #total = len(users) #print ‘LDAP query: found %d’ % total #if total == 0: #    sys.exit(1) # #for i in users: #    print i ##############################################################


Run imapfilter on F5

############################## macro generic <f5> “<shell-escape> imapfilter<Enter>$” “Filter messages using imapfilter” macro index <f5> “<shell-escape> imapfilter<Enter>$” “Filter messages using imapfilter” macro pager <f5> “<shell-escape> imapfilter<Enter>$” “Filter messages using imapfilter”

macro index <f3> “T~N<Enter>;N;t$” “Mark all as Read”


The look

############################## #

Pretty Colors

color status black yellow # The status line is barely visible to my eyes otherwise :( color index brightgreen default ~N color index green default ~O color index red default ~D  # deleted color index brightmagenta default ~T  # tagged color index brightyellow default ~F  # flagged color header green default “^Subject:” color header yellow default “^Date:” color header yellow default “^To:” color header yellow default “^Cc:” color header yellow default “^Bcc:” color header yellow default “^From:” color header red default “^X-.*:”

set index_format=“%Z %{%d-%b-%Y %X} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s” set folder_format=“%N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f”

auto_view text/html

set markers=no set smart_wrap=yes set wrap=80


zimbra invites

############################# macro pager Z ‘<view-attachments><search>text/calendar<enter><pipe-entry>curl -k -u siddhesh --data-binary @- https://domain.com/calendar?fmt=ics<enter>q'

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